Please call our office at 208-523-3531 to schedule a specific time that may not show on our calendar.


We are located at 2410 E 25th CIRCLE, Idaho Falls

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Who we are and why you're worth it.

If you’re looking for a more natural, holistic (whole-body) approach to health care, 3 Rivers Health Center is the place for you. Dr. Karie Jonak at 3 Rivers Health Center is one of the leading practitioners of alternative medicine in Eastern Idaho. With over 25 years of experience, she can help you analyze your health so that you can find the remedies you need in a natural form. Dr. Karie specializes in cleansing the body of the toxins that have accumulated (contributes to or causes the disease) and then support the body with its required natural substances to heal itself. 3 Rivers Health Center offers an array of nutritional supplements, minerals, detox programs, health management classes, and holistic treatments you won’t find anywhere else in the area. Visit them today to see how they can help improve the quality of your life.

Ready to enjoy better health, higher energy levels, and physical wellness? Our services are proven to help people of all ages, sizes, and health levels to attain well-being, better health, and relaxation.

·       Live, Dry, and Dark Field Analysis

·       Nutritional Counseling

·       Bemer Microcurrent System

·       Blue Moon Apothecary Tinctures


Naturopathic medicine is a unique and distinct system of health care that emphasizes the use of prevention and natural therapeutics. The doctors who practice naturopathic medicine are called naturopathic doctors (NDs). They are trained to serve as primary care general practitioners who are experts in the prevention, diagnosis, management, and treatment of both acute and chronic health conditions. In the United States, the Naturopathic medical infrastructure includes accredited educational institutions, professional licensing, national standards of practice, peer review, and a commitment to state-of-the-art scientific research.

Naturopathic doctors are guided by six principles:

  1. Do No Harm;

  2. The Healing Power of Nature;

  3. Find the Cause;

  4. Treat the Whole Person

  5. Preventive Medicine; and,

  6. Doctor as Teacher.

These are six principles emphasized throughout a naturopathic doctor's training. They outline the philosophy guiding the naturopathic approach to health and healing, and forms the foundation of this distinct health care practice.

Naturopathic doctors may use a variety of natural and non-invasive therapies to treat people. Some treatments are clinical nutrition, homeopathy, botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, physical medicine, and counseling. Some naturopathic doctors have additional training and certification in acupuncture and natural childbirth. Naturopathic treatments are effective in treating a wide variety of conditions without the need for further intervention. Naturopathic doctors work in an integrated framework of naturopathic therapies that complement treatments of conventionally trained medical doctors. A result is a patient-centered approach that strives to provide the most appropriate treatment for an individual's needs.