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A person’s blood is a picture of the health of their entire body from head to toe.

Your blood is your, “River of Life.” It transports oxygen, nutrients and other life-giving agents to the trillions of cells in your body. It also removes cellular waste produced during metabolism (the production of energy) from your cells to the liver or kidneys for elimination from the body. Unhealthy blood can resemble a fish bowl that has not been properly cleaned. A poor diet that includes GMO foods, chemicals, and emotional stressors will create a swamp of debris that will stagnate the blood and cause an environment ripe for disease and breakdown. Harmful bacteria and microorganisms can feed off these toxins, increasing your risk for disease. Live cell microscopy can detect imbalances that may not show up on traditional lab blood tests.

What is Live Blood Analysis?

Live blood analysis (LBA) is the analysis of living blood under a microscope connected to a camera. Live blood testing enables us to see your blood exactly as it behaves inside your body, giving a clear picture of your health at a cellular level. When you see your LBA, you realize that there is incredible dynamic activity taking place within you, and you can begin to better understand the specifics that need to be addressed without guessing. Utilizing this information one can directly address the problems that are creating the disease in the body without trying numerous therapies that are inappropriate for eliminating them. It has been shown that client compliance is greatly improved with understanding – once you know and can see what you are doing and why. In addition to that, one can also see the progress they are making in the body by checking the blood 30 – 60 – 90 days later.

The condition and quality of your red blood cells have a direct impact on your present and future health. Disease appears as stress in the blood sometimes years before manifesting as symptoms in the body. LBA can detect the potential for disease very early on, so is the ultimate preventative tool available. Traditional lab testing is good and has it place, but does not always show early signs of a possible disease.

Normal Red Blood Cell 

The circulatory system is the means by which oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and hormones are transported to the cells to keep them alive and functioning. In optimum health the Erythrocytes are round and separated and move through the capillaries very easily. The average size of healthy RBCs is 7.2 microns


When the blood starts to stack the amount of oxygen that can be transported is severely diminished. This condition is caused by dehydration, high fat and protein diets, lack enzymes, and high acidity. Your blood will look like this if you drink one soda and can stay this way for at least two hours. When your cells are not supplied with oxygen you will feel tired, have poor digestion, and skin disorders can occur.

Target Cell (Codocyte)

These RBCs are deficient in iron and therefore hemoglobin cannot carry the oxygen. The symptoms produced in the body are tiredness, poor digestion, and anemia.

Protein Linkage

This condition is the first sign of cell stickiness and may progress into Rouleau if not corrected. It occurs when the RBC’s stick together in chains because of a lowered pH caused when monosodium urate (a protein by-product) level increases in the plasma. Protein linkage is a sign that fat and or protein which is not being digested completely.

White blood cells (Leukocytes)

The number, size, shape and movement of white blood cells point to possible issues related to immunity. In the long term, over-activity or under-activity of immune cells can result in an increased susceptibility to illness.

What is Dark Field Analysis?

A dark field microscope is a microscope designed to permit diversion of light rays and illumination, from the side, so that details appear light against a dark background; as opposed to light passing straight through the specimen. If bright lights from the microscope pass directly through the specimen, the heat from the light source will kill the red blood cells (RBC)s faster. Also, by diverting the light rays, a greater amount of depth and details can be viewed. (Almost like a three-dimension view).

Dark Field Microscopy thus allows a health professional to evaluate the shapes and other properties of individual blood cells, indicating nutritional conditions which can be adversely affecting a person's health. The advantage of this analysis over standard blood tests, which detect chemical changes in the blood, is the ability of dark field microscopy to detect nutritional disorders sooner, when the problem is in its infancy stages. By monitoring the blood's condition, a health professional can assist in "balancing" the blood by giving dietary and lifestyle recommendations which can enhance health.

What is Dry Blood Analysis?

This form of testing originated in Germany in the 1920’s. Dr. Henry Heitan and Dr. Philippe La Garde, personal NATO physicians to General Dwight D. Eisenhower, later introduced it in the U.S. This test is used in hundreds of clinics around the world including Germany, France, Switzerland, Holland, Scandinavia, Italy, Portugal, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, China and Korea as well as the United States.

The Mycotoxic Oxidative Stress Test (MOST) is a procedure where layers of capillary blood are gently pressed on a glass slide and exposed to ambient air. As these layers of a drop of blood dry or coagulate they go through a natural process of spinning, leaving unique characteristics of the sample. Review of these samples using a Bright field microscope allows evaluation of this information.

The dried sample reveals where your body is holding toxins, and what parts of your body functionality are impaired by the toxins. Although these toxins can be indicators of disease, the purpose of the testing is to find the root of the health problem or potential health problem, and educate you on how to remove the toxins, so you can help your body fight disease, or allow you to live a better life with the disease. This procedure is very accurate in testing for anomalies not recognized by the medical lab testing, and is therefore very worthwhile in discovering why your health is impaired. Each person will receive a cleansing program and a suggested sheet of vitamins, minerals, herbs and diet changes required to regain their health.

Dry Blood Analysis is an effective tool to look at as it shows the body's health state by looking at the layers in the dry blood. The centre of the blood cell represents the digestive tract, adrenals and our psycho-spiritual health state, while the layers surrounding represents organs, lymph system, bones, spine and skin. Here, we are able to look at how the body may be healing from a past injury or trauma and see how the present health state is effected or we can see if there are new developments in the most present imprint in the cell. Every experience, we encounter is imprinted in our blood, as well as our emotional state.

How does it work?

The test is carried out by obtaining a drop of blood from the finger tip using a sterile lancet. The blood is placed on a microscope slide, covered with a coverslip to prevent drying, and immediately observed under the microscope. Darkfield microscopy allows an almost three dimensional look at the blood. The blood is magnified up to 1000 times. A video camera is hooked up to the microscope so that you may watch the entire procedure on a monitor.

You will be able to see the activity of your blood on the screen, the red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and what is floating in the plasma, like bacteria, yeast, crystals, plaque, and more. The blood is observed for 30 minutes. Once the blood leaves your body it begins to die. How quickly the morphological changes happen can indicate your present health condition.

Mind, body, and spiritual health is your responsibility. You are what you eat, drink, think, and create. This simple blood test is one important tool in helping you to change your health for the better.

What might we see in your blood?

·        Acidity/Alkalinity

·        Adrenal Exhaustion

·        Anemia, including the condition, vitality, quantity, and behavior of your red blood cells

·       Allergies

·       Arterial Sclerosis

·       Bacterial types

·       Blood sugar imbalances

·       Candida (yeast) infections

·        Calcium Metabolism & Parathyroid Imbalance, Food Sensitivities

·        Chemical & Metal Toxins

·        Clotting dysfunction

·        Degenerative Stress, Free Radical Stress

·        Dehydration

·        Digestive and bowel problems – leaky gut syndrome

·        Gout

·        Immune System

·        Inflammation-Lymphatic

·        Liver Stress, Toxicity

·        Nutritional Deficiencies

·        Parasites

·        Poor circulation

·        Poor oxygenation

·        Reproductive Issues - Male and Female

·        Thyroid imbalances

·        Uric acid crystals and other crystals

·        Viral Types

·        Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

·        White Blood Cells - The condition, vitality, quantity, and behavior